Understanding Disabilities in American Indian & Alaska Native Communities Toolkit Guide
![Toolkit cover featuring Icons of a person walking with a cane, a person using a wheelchair, hand signing American Sign Language, and a face being revealed from behind another face.](/assets/uploads/images/nativetoolkitcover.png)
In 2003, the National Council on Disability developed a toolkit, Understanding Disabilities: In American Indian & Alaska Native Communities, with information about disabilities, tribes and resources. To increase awareness and knowledge of the needs of Native elders living with disabilities, the National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) undertook an update of the toolkit in collaboration with NCD. The toolkit is now presented updated and expanded with the latest data and more recent resources.
This resource is divided into dedicated sections for healthy living, education, independent living, vocational rehabilitation and employment resources, assistive technology, housing and facilities, and transportation. Additional information provides overviews on federal disabilities laws, initiatives, agencies, and organizations that support work with Native individuals with disabilities and communities.