Commitment to Equal Employment OpportunityThe National Council on Disability (NCD) is strongly committed to the principles of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and the implementation of EEO policies and objectives that will enhance the quality of our work life and the productivity in our workplace. The most important resource at NCD is our employees. It is NCD’s goal to create a workplace where employees throughout all levels of the organization feel that their work and contributions are embraced and valued. NCD is committed to developing and maintaining a professional workplace in which all individuals are treated with dignity and respect. This includes ensuring an environment for all employees that is free of discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, reprisal, and genetic information. Managers and supervisors must lead by example and monitor the workplace to ensure that the environment is free from discrimination, hostility, intimidation, reprisal, and harassment. All employees at NCD are responsible for implementing EEO policy in their daily actions, conduct, and decisions. Managers, supervisors and employees alike must strive to treat each other with respect and professionalism.
Discrimination is costly, nonproductive and interrupts the agency from focusing on achieving its mission. Any NCD employee, who tolerates or promotes discriminatory conduct or behavior, engages in reprisal, or acts in a manner contrary to this policy will be held accountable. We must all work together to demonstrate fairness, cooperation, and respect toward our colleagues and constituents while diligently striving to maintain a productive and nondiscriminatory work environment.
NCD is strengthened by the talents of its workforce in accomplishing the agency mission. NCD expects supervisors and managers to promote a work place environment that values and embraces the full range of talents and contributions of each and every employee throughout all levels of the agency. This allows all employees equal opportunities to achieve their full potential.